Our Friends

Authors are only one step in the process of a great book getting into the hands of an eager reader. The unsung heroes of the process are the book reviewers and reader site owners. These men and women write reviews, host giveaways, feature interviews, cull data, and in some cases, program very sophisticated sites. Below are the sites that help authors involved with free Ebook Promotions get the message out: here is a book for your consideration.

The owners of The Cheap for Nook are amazing. They reach out to authors through Facebook and then send out the information on affordable ebooks to Nook readers on both the-cheap.net and a number of Facebook pages tailored for the reader. Every day they have new titles to offer.

Another site ran by the owners of The Cheap for NOOK, only the links focus on Kindle. Visitors can still find great features such as a Daily Deal and great listings for harder to find genres, including Kindle Books for children and teens.

And from all of us authors here at Ebook Promotions, we thank you for the time and effort you give to the writing world. You are irreplaceable.

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